1st Year Computer Science Guess Paper

1st Year Computer Science Guess paper, 1st-First Year Notes


(15 MARKS)

Q.1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options

i. A group of 4 bits is called
  • Byte
  • Word
  • Nibble
  • All of the above
ii. The speed of computer is measured by
  • GHz
  • Megabyte
  • Nibble
  • All of them
iii. Which of the following is a secondary storage device?
  • Processor
  • Memory Chip
  • Floppy Disk
  • Printer
iv. Non-Volatile memory is
  • ROM
  • RAM
  • Cache Memory
  • All of them
v. Which mark-up language is used to produce Web Pages?
  • HTML
  • WML
  • XML
  • SGML
vi. The internal process of starting up a computer is known as
  • Booting
  • Self Start
  • Warm Up
  • Start Up
vii. CD stands for
  • Computer Disk
  • Connector Drive
  • Compact Disk
  • None of them
viii. Which of the following is not an input device?
  • Printer
  • Joystick
  • Keyboard
  • Scanner
ix. A stack is served on the principal of
  • LIFO
  • FIFO
  • LILO
  • None of them
x. 1 MB is equivalent to
  • 1024 bytes
  • 1024 KB
  • 1024 Bits
  • None of them
xi. Which part of CPU performs all arithmetic and logic calculations on data it receives
  • Control Unit
  • Main Memory Unit
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
  • Read only Memory
xii. A mode of communication that allows information to travel in two directions but not simultaneously called
  • Full Duplex
  • Half Duplex
  • Half Simplex
  • Simplex
xiii. URL stands for
  • Urban Resource Locator
  • Unit Resource Locator
  • Universal Resource Locator
  • None of them
xiv. Microwave transmission, coaxil cable, and fibre optics are the examples of
  • Modems
  • Ring Networks links
  • Communications media
  • Routers
xv. The register that collect the result of computations is called
  • Main Storage
  • Storage Register
  • Stack
  • Accumulator
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(36 MARKS)

Q.2. Answer any SIX questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks. No answer should exceed 6-7 lines.

1. What is an Operating System? Why is it necessary for a computer?

What is a E-mail? How it is useful for us?

Write the names of commonly used input and output devices. Discuss at least three types of input devices.

2. What is a computer virus? How can we protect our computer from it?

Explain three types of instructions code formats used in computer.

Explain Sequential Access, Cyclical Access and Random Access devices.

3. Differentiate between Impact and Non-Impact Printers.

Differentiate between Hard Copy and Soft Copy.

List and describe briefly three common LAN topologies.

4. Differentiate between Interpreter and Compiler

Differentiate between High Level Language and Low Level Language.

What are the difference between volatile storage and non-volatile storage.

5. Differentiate between Serial Ports and Parallel Ports.


Differentiate between DOS and Windows.


Differentiate between Synchrouous Transmission and Asynchroneous Transmission.


What is a Web Browser? Name the most popular and extensively used web browsers.

6. Differentiate between Desktop Operating System and Network Operating System.


What is the function of a MODEM? Write the different types of Modem available.

7. Differentiate between System Software and Application Software.


Differentiate between Analog and Digital Signals.


Distinguish between LAN and WAN.

8. How is a computer useful for us? Define briefly its usage in the field of education.

What is the importance of Data Backup? List the names of backup devices.

9. Differentiate between Binary Number System and Decimal Number System.


Explain what electronic technology characteristics each of four generation of computers.


Differentiate between Full Duplex and Half Duplex.


What do you understand by Modulation and Demodulation.

(24 MARKS)

Q.3 (A). What do you understand by the term "Internet"? Write the uses and abuses of Internet.


What is an OSI model? How many layers does it consist of? Name these layers and explain their unctionality.

Q.3 (B). Define Information Technology. How is it used in our daily life?


Define a Bus. Describe the functions of the address bus, control bus and data bus.

Q.4 (A). What are the functions of Router and Gateway in data communication.


Explain the various Transmission modes and methods.

Q.4 (B). What is Copy Right Law? State its advantages.


What are the main functions of spread sheet program? What is the difference between a Spread sheet and a work sheet.


What are network protocals? Describe their main categories.

Q.5. What is meant by Communication media? Explain the types of the Communication media.


Define Register. What is the function of a register? Name the important register of CPU.


Explain the following operations can be performed by using windows?
  • Selecting a Document
  • Renaming a Document
  • Deleting a File and Folder
  • Uses of Recycle Bin
  • Customizing the Windows

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